Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Link Liberation is Open!

259.2% backlink increase.

That's what the typical result for last year's Link Liberation students was. Wanna get in on that?


We all know that traffic is the lifeblood of every business and that search traffic is the best traffic there is. The only trick is getting enough links to get the traffic. What would 2.6 times as many links do for you?

Link Liberation is open right now. This is your chance to learn the best backlink building and traffic generation strategies there are from the SEO masters Dan Thies and Leslie Rohde.

Link Liberation is not just another automated program (we know those don't work). It's a coaching program backed by software to help you make the link building process more efficient.

I'm excited about this program, in fact I've already joined myself. I can't give a more solid recommendation than that.


These are long term, sustainable strategies that will get you the rankings you want and the traffic that comes with them.

Don't miss your chance to get in on this program.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Link Liberation Full Preview

Tomorrow is the big day! But you can get a sneak peek of the Link Liberation offer video TODAY.

Totally in the open, totally without scarcity or pressure or arm-twisting. You can watch early, decide early if you're ready to join Dan and Leslie, and explode your linking strategy...


And if you want to skip to the front of the line, you can get on their "Early Bird" list right on that page and on Tuesday, you'll get a couple hours' notice so you can be sure to secure your spot.

Doing this will also put you first in line for one-on-one case study training with Dan and Leslie. That alone is a great reason to be an early bird.

I've heard the complaints about the sky-high guru premium price tags... This is way different. You won't believe the pricing plans they have worked out for you.

Dan and Les have made this affordable and REASONABLE for any online business owner to participate. Watch for yourself:


I have always appreciated the way these guys do business - no sneaky or predatory tactics - these guys are in it to help you grow your business and your bottom line. They have helped me get to where I am today, there is no one else I recommend more highly for SEO than Dan and Leslie.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Dan Thies lays the SEO groundwork for you

My favorite SEO big-brains, Dan Thies and Leslie Rohde are back today with yet another mind-expanding video tutorial. And this time they want to set the record straight.


Some SEO "experts" might tell you that you can't go after the big sites that rank for the big words. They might say you need to settle for the scraps of traffic you can scrape together from the long-tail...

This video proves different, and it's all a matter of creating a solid foundation to build on. And don't doubt it for a second because Dan and Leslie have built a career of helping the Davids in the online business world go after one Goliath after another. The key is in the "ranking factors" Dan reveals in today's free training video:


Does it work? You don't have to take my word for it, and you don't even have to take Dan or Leslie's either...

How many other guys can get dozens(!) of their STUDENTS to go on camera and share real results?

After you watch this, you're going to SERIOUSLY re-consider those dreams of capturing Page 1 in Google for those high-traffic keywords... because you CAN.

This is actually Video #3 in a series, but guess what - if you get this one, you get them all. So you haven't lost anything but time if your competitors have watched it first. No more time to lose. Make time to watch this now:


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Just a quick SEO note...

Tomorrow Dan and Leslie are going to be mailing out their SEO Super FAQ. They created it out of questions from online business owners just like you. Real down-to-earth questions and honest answers that will help you in the SEO game.

You know that I don't promote anything I don't use myself. I've been working with Dan and Leslie for years (literally) and they are my most trusted SEO guys. They are the reason I have great rankings for my stores. They know they're stuff.

To get their SEO Super FAQ you have to be on their mailing list. So if you haven't already subscribed, go to https://seo.infusionsoft.com/go/LLV2/asquared/ and opt in before tomorrow.

They'll be releasing another awesome video on Thursday as well, but you don't want to miss the special mailing of the Super FAQ. It's valuable information you're not going to have the chance to get anywhere else.

That's it, just wanted to give you a heads up about that, I'm looking forward to it :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Become the Center of Attention in Your Niche

Even though Halloween's over, I've got a little treat today from my favorite SEO friends.

Dan Thies and Leslie Rohde have released the second video in their Link Liberation series and if you missed the first one, that's okay - this one's WAY meatier. :)


Leslie basically reveals one of the key strategies to their plan to save internet marketers from the headache of chasing links. They call it an "abstract engine".

Basically, you get to dig up all the "buzzworthy" online conversations, butt-in with your own opinion, and then spit it back out all across the web.

When people join in, you get links. When they give you links, you look like the total MASTER of your niche, weighing in on practically every facet of your chosen topic.

I'd say it's like killing two birds with one stone, but it's more like taking out a flock of vultures with a machine gun! (Sorry - I run a weaponry store, this is my language!)

Fun massacre analogies aside, you want to watch this ASAP:


If you find link-building tedious, tiresome, boring, or just a pain in the rear, this is a way to take ALL the work out of it. Seriously, who doesn't want that?

I said this was Video 2 in a series. If you missed Part 1, you'll get instant access along with this video, so don't think you missed anything. Fact is though, TODAY'S video is the real "How To Get People To Link To You" tutorial.
